Saturday, June 13, 2015


The "law" that was done away with has been determined by most people to be either the 10 Commandments, the Ceremonial Law, or the Law of Moses.

1) Truth or False - The law (in context) is found in Leviticus 18:5; Galatians 3:12; & Romans 10:5.

Truth, & this law is called the "schoolmaster" in Galatians 3:12-24.  

In Romans 10:4-5, Christ is the end of this "law for righteousness" in Romans 10:4-5.
The "schoolmaster" or "law for righteousness' is a Law of Works.
*Definition - Righteousness = right-doing = righteous work.
So, what's the big issue? 
2 - Choose the best option:
a) Do all that God wants by the power of God
b) Try to do all that God wants without the power of God
Well, option b) is impossible "for all have sinned". Obedience is only achieved by belief in God's power to work in & through us.

This is why the schoolmaster (Law of Works) leads us to "law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus" (or Works by Faith). - cont.>>>>

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