Sunday, June 14, 2015

Christ's Willpower

Basically, lustful pride leads us to exalt our selfish will over God’s Will. See 1 John 2:16 & Genesis 3:6, but what texts show how much Jesus was tempted?  Matthew 4:1-10 prove Jesus was tempted with everything:

1 - Jesus fasted 40 hungry would you be?

Can you even imagine how tempting it was to get Himself some bread?

2 - How tempting was it to take all the power of the world, knowing how many fine women do anything for a wealth, security, power...or just nice gifts?

We use our shortcomings to manipulate enough as is, so how much more tempted would you be if you were the only begotten Son of God?

3 - How tempting would it be to escape from the plan of Salvation knowing that the plan was for Him to die, but not only die, but die brutally…while having the ability to save Himself?

How tempting would it be to give in to a change of plans?

So, Jesus answered the "Law of Sin & Death" by submitting to the Holy Spirit from His baptism at Luke 3:22, & is a role model for us in how to die in the Lord, die to self, & beat sin.

In beating sin, death is also defeated, that's why Jesus was Resurrected, & we see how Jesus let the Holy Spirit empower Him in Romans 8:11. For more see Hebrews 5:8-9, but you should be starting to see how big words like "God's righteousness" play a part in answering the Law of Sin & Death.

Jesus is the answer to "The Law of Sin & Death, & it should make sense now when we read Romans 8:2-3.  Clearly, Jesus is the remedy to the Law, but how is the Law “weak through sinful flesh”?

Romans 8:7, enmity is opposition, hostility, rivalry & resistance, & we are born preoccupied with being at war with what God wants us to do.  Clearly, Jesus had a role in answering the "Law", but did the Holy Spirit have a role as well?

As we transition into the role of the Holy Spirit, see Exodus 19:3-8, & notice the people did not promise “we will do” by God’s power, God’s Will, or anything about God.

Hebrews 8:6,10 where God promises what He will do, as He says, “I will make…I will put…I will write…& I will be…”, meaning God made a Way to assist us with keeping His commands. Read 1 Corinthians 15:56-58; Romans 8:9,11; John 14:10-17. (cont.'d)

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